Thursday, June 25, 2015

More Human. Less Being. Donate!!!

Often we all intend to do, what we can for social causes that catch our attention but seldom we end up doing something. Donations need not be a forced habit. Just little things can work wonders when it comes to donating.

Turn Loose Change into Charitable Donations.

Maintain a pot to collect your loose coins every month and donate the sum on month ends. as they say, doing little can change a Lot.

Go on a Volunteer Pay Policy while you party.

Every time you set out to party with your friends, make it a point to have a contribution from each one of you and turn the sum to your donating list.

Start buying awareness branded items.

We can surely buy items of our needs with one such item adding value to a social cause. ITC books donate Re.1 for every book you buy on child education. Find similar value products while buying. Even movie tickets come with such options. A mere 2 rupees can help bring a smile on someone's face out there.

Go for a run, Walk, or bike ride.

Exercise is good for you, and it turns out your movement could also be good for charity.
There are many more ways you can give back without donating lots of money or spending too much time. Just your willingness makes the difference.

Even Trash can be Cash.

Why dump your house with trash when someone can help turn that to useful cash for needy. does just that. Great initiative. Check it out
Let your home sweet home be just as sweet and clean as your heart :)

- DC

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Giving Something back to society!!

"But mom, I don't want to go to school!'. These are the words that are heard all too often around the globe. Why sit in a classroom learning things when you could be out frolicking around in the outdoors? And not everyone is lucky enough to be affording school at early age. Poverty they say is a nation's curse.

It is a fact that early childhood is a crucial stage of life in terms of a child's physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. Learning capabilities of humans continue for the rest of their lives, but not at the intensity that is demonstrated in the preschool years. Studies suggests that growth of mental and physical abilities progress at an astounding rate and a very high proportion of learning takes place from birth to age six. This is exactly the reason why children need high quality personal care and learning experiences. 

Education is about far more than the marks you receive. It’s about understanding right from wrong and having the knowledge to stay afloat in today’s society. It helps to develop your perspective on the world around you and pushes you to think both creatively and conceptually. It allows us to process information and make conclusions and inferences based on what we already know. And for a fact, it aids in career advancements more often than not.  Today's globalization and advancements in technology wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for furthering education. We may believe that, Education key to escape generational poverty.

Despite our willingness to come forward and help a lending hand to the needy, there are always excuses that tend to keep the needy at bay. Helping in whatever way we can is great. Even if it means just spreading word on people doing good so it reaches the concerned. Here I am sharing something I recently came across while listening to BIG FM.

Maatram Foundation seems to be doing its share on making education affordable to all.

Let's spread the word. Let's help society come out of generational poverty!!

- DC