Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Attitude is Altitude

If you think your life isn't desirable or you've failed, think again. Perhaps you might have everything in it to cherish but just dint realize yet. Life has its ups and downs and everybody experiences success and failure. Society doesn't reward defeat, and you won’t find many failures documented in history books. The exceptions are those failures that become steppingstones to later success. 

If fear of failure or inferiority is the hurdle that's stopping us from moving forward, it is time to look up to these personalities on how they coped up with the so called failures and succeeded in life.  If we fail and never try again, that is the real failure. Many of us avoid the prospect of failure. In fact, we’re so focused on not failing that we don’t aim for success, settling instead for a life of mediocrity. When we do make missteps, we gloss over them, selectively editing out the miscalculations. That is where change is required. Most often we think that success has a different route but fail to realize that failures are just the pivotal junctions along the same route that lead us to success. Those are just the necessary struggles called learning. “Failure and defeat are life’s greatest teachers”, it is said. An open mind to learn is the trick to succeed.
We all have areas in our lives that need improvement – careers, relationships, fitness or just overall mental and emotional state. Making changes to these may seem huge but it all starts with taking that first step and making goals. Like we all have heard, it is always the first step that can lead you to your destination. Of course we need a little bit of inspiration before we can take any steps. That's when real life achievers come to the core. Not just names as big as these, you could as well find a lot of similar personalities around you that could inspire you. Like mentioned earlier you haven’t probably realized yet or just aren't looking closely.
Optimism, hard work, self-belief and above all a “never-say-die” attitude is what makes highly successful persons what they are. Always remember Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit.

“Failure is only the opportunity to begin again. Only this time more wisely”

- DC