Sunday, November 30, 2014

Saying "Good Bye" is tough

Has it ever occurred to you that, saying a "Good Bye" is a tough thing to do? 

There are times when you most certainly feel so. After having a good time with your family, friends, or relatives, when you think about leaving them, your mind goes that crazy of not having to leave and wish for the moment to just stay on. Weddings, birthdays, picnics, parties, all bring in fun-filled moments that leaves an ever lasting impact on most occasions. The contentment and merriness would only raise after all the excitement of being together and we can't just let go of our beloved because deep inside we don't want to depart or more so want their company to last a little longer. So saying a good bye then would seem so hard. 

I always wonder how a "Bye" can be "Good"! How is it good when you are hugging your loved ones and whisper "Good Bye". Is it a good situation when your heart beats faster, continuously asking you to do something to stop that person and hold them with you! Is it really good at that instance? May be it is right to say that, Bye is not Good for you, but you want it to be Good for the one leaving you for days or for months or may be for years..!

Our little heart is too big to have spaces for people who come into our life to make us smile, cry and live! And it is too small to handle these situations of separations. They say nothing is permanent in life - not our faith, not our destiny and not our people. But we can never stop people coming into our life just because they are going to leave us someday. Rather let them come, live every moment of your life with them and fill their life with happiness.

Facing separation requires guts and stability in our mind. It makes us feel the vacuum. It hurts us, beats us and kills our heart! Everyone is going to face it someday, with a heavy heart and teary eyes. That day may have already gone or it will come in future. I am not sure how perfectly we would handle these situations. But all I can say is...

Though saying "Good Bye" will add blessings, just don't forget to say "See you again"!

- DC

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