Sunday, May 15, 2016

Life Hacks!!

Vocabulary - What's new!

Everyday Life Savers!!!

Weekend in Chennai :)

- Pic Courtesy: FB

Saluting Women!!!

Mothers, sisters, friends. Women are best, being women.

Of course women are celebrated on Women's day but it's only fair that we celebrate them every single day, for they rightly deserve it. We have always had the privilege to come across great women in our lives, starting right with our moms, sisters, and many more. It's not just our duty to remember and salute them for who they are and what they've done but also to ensure that the world is a safer place for them.

Like they say, "A beautiful woman draws strength from troubles, smiles during distress and grows stronger with prayers and hopes"  

It's time we made the world, a better place for our women to live in, sans any worries. After all women are the sole reason for life.